Climate change adaptation experts appointed

  • Paula Bennett
Climate Change Issues

Climate Change Minister Paula Bennett has brought together 10 experts from government and the private sector to provide advice on how New Zealand can adapt and build resilience to the effects of climate change.

The Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group includes representatives from central and local government, the banking and insurance sector, engineering, science, and local communities. 

Adaptation expert Dr Judy Lawrence will co-chair the group with Penny Nelson, Ministry for the Environment’s Deputy Secretary, Sector Strategy.

“New Zealand needs to be better prepared to adapt to the effects of climate change. For that reason I’ve called on the expertise of ten people with significant experience in climate change and natural hazards, and the organisations that deal most closely with those issues,” Mrs Bennett says.

“I have asked the group to provide advice that will feed into policy options for ministers to consider as we head towards 2020 and the period covered by the Paris Agreement. I expect their advice to be based on sound evidence, starting with a stocktake of what’s already going on to improve adaptation and resilience to the effects of climate change in New Zealand.

“The group members all have impressive careers in fields that are exposed to or require an active response to the impacts of climate change. I want to keep the group tight and nimble, so I expect them to draw on additional expertise as required.”

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