Canterbury property boundaries legislation provides clarity
Land InformationLegislation just passed will give surveyors and property owners certainty in the location of boundaries for earthquake-affected properties in Canterbury, says Land Information Minister Louise Upston.
“The Canterbury Property Boundaries and Related Matters Act takes a pragmatic view by saying boundaries have moved with the land,” says Ms Upston.
“In most instances, this means that boundaries will be where property owners expect them to be, as marked by features like fences.
“This legislation will reduce the potential for future boundary disputes and conflicts.”
The Surveyor General will now start working with surveyors on rules to implement the new legislation.
“There is a possibility that boundary conflicts will occur as a result of earlier approved surveys that did not take land movement into account. LINZ will work with surveyors and property owners to manage any conflicts,” says Ms Upston.
The Act also recognises the possibility that future earthquakes could result in land movement by defining “Canterbury earthquakes” to include earthquakes and aftershocks up to February 2022.