Building knowledge on teaching and learning

  • Chris Carter

Six new projects have received $1,201,287 in funding under the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative, Minister of Tertiary Education Pete Hodgson and Minister of Education Chris Carter announced today.

The research fund was established by the Labour-led government in 2002 to ensure on-going investment that will make a significant contribution to our understanding of best practice in the education sector, including projects relevant to practitioners.

“These projects help address the gaps in our knowledge of teaching and learning and help us look to the future and are a real partnership between researchers and teachers,” Pete Hodgson said.

One of the central principles of the Teaching and Learning Research Initiative was to make sure teachers’ central role in learning was recognised, Chris Carter said.

“This research addresses themes of strategic importance to education in New Zealand and I’m pleased with the wide range of projects that have received funding this year from early childhood education research to tertiary institutions.”

For details of the projects, and information about the TLRI, go to: