Births, Deaths And Marriages On-Line

  • Jack Elder
Internal Affairs

The historical records of Births, Deaths and Marriages are to be computerised, Internal Affairs Minister Jack Elder announced today.

The Budget contained targeted funding for six million paper-based BDM records to be converted over the next three years.

"The public will receive a faster and more convenient service once the modernisation is complete. People will no longer have to go to the trouble of obtaining paper documents from the Department of Internal Affairs in order to prove their identity to another branch of government," Mr Elder said.

About 80 percent of the certificates issued by BDM are used to access other government services, commonly social welfare benefits, IRD family support and passports.

"The computerisation will allow customers to give their permission to departments to check their identity details on-line, which will result in a faster, more efficient service for everyone," Mr Elder said.

This is the second part of the BDM computerisation project. Since January this year, the registration of births, deaths and marriages has been automated. Now most of BDM's historical information, currently held as paper-based records, are also to be converted.

"The ending of this historical anachronism will mean a better service for all New Zealanders," Mr Elder said.