Agency sought to help reduce cyberbullying
JusticeThe search is underway for an Approved Agency where victims of cyberbullying can turn to for help, Justice Minister Amy Adams announced today.
The Agency will be required to work with victims and the offending party to resolve complaints about cyberbullying in a quick and efficient way. It’s a core part of the Harmful Digital Communications Act, which passed through Parliament last month.
“The agency will help victims of harassment or cyberbullying to resolve complaints as quickly and painlessly as possible. It will work with parties to help get objectionable content off the internet and provide advice on other possible remedies,” Ms Adams says.
Ms Adams said the Approved Agency would also have a role reducing harassment or bullying by advising on policies and educating people in appropriate online behaviour.
“The establishment of an agency to consider complaints about harmful digital communications will set a new benchmark for curbing online harassment and intimidation that cause serious emotional distress,” Ms Adams says.
People or organisations interested in becoming the Approved Agency should register their interest online:
Ms Adams said the information received during the RFI process would guide the next steps in selecting the Approved Agency.