$36 million commitment for local catchment groups

The Government is backing farmers to improve land management practices with a $36 million commitment to support locally led catchment groups, $7 million of which will go directly to catchment groups across the country, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay has announced.

“Budget 2024 provides $36 million over four years for regionally based Ministry for Primary Industries staff who support catchment groups on-the-ground.

“We’re also announcing a direct investment of $7 million into 11 catchment groups and collectives,” Mr McClay says.

This is in addition to MPI’s current investment in 46 catchment-based projects, which support 290 groups and over 9,000 farmers.

Significant new funding includes:

  • $2 million over four years to catchment groups across Tairāwhiti; 
    $980,000 over four years, to 13 catchment groups within the Manawatū River Catchment Collective; 
    $950,000 over four years to the Ōtūwharekai/Ashburton Lakes Catchment Group, in conjunction with the Mid Canterbury Catchment Collective.

Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson says Catchment groups and collectives are integral to revitalising New Zealand’s export-driven economy.

“Supporting locally led catchments projects is one way the Government backs farmers’ efforts to improve land management practices and water quality. Every catchment is different – we need local solutions, for local issues,” Associate Minister of Agriculture Andrew Hoggard says.

"We will be at national Fieldays in the Waikato next week and we’re looking forward to making further important announcements about the coalition Government’s work to support the primary sector,” Mr McClay says.

Catchment group and collective funding allocations:
Group Region Funding amount Funding term
East Coast - Leading from the Land Tairawhiti $2 million 4 years
Manawatū River Catchments Collective Manawatū-Whanganui $980,000 4 years
Ōtūwharekai/Ashburton Lakes Catchment Group Collective Mid-Canterbury  $950,000 4 years
Puketoi to the Pacific Catchment Collective Manawatū-Whanganui $650,000 5 years
Mackenzie Basin Catchment Collective South Canterbury $625,000 4 ½ years
Upper Waikirikiri Catchment Collective  Canterbury $625,000 4 ½ years
Farmers Across Marble Aquifer Tasman $475,000 3 years
Te Arai River Catchment  Tairāwhiti  $400,000 2 years
Tairāwhiti Whenua Māori Collective  Tairāwhiti $200,000 3 years
Aotearoa New Zealand Catchment Communities  National $100,000 6 months
Western Firth Catchment Waikato $50,000* 6 months
Total   $7 million  

*Funding from Essential Freshwater Fund