National-led Government - 2014-2017 Archived

Parliamentary colleagues, Secretary of Defence Helen Quilter, Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General Tim Keating, representatives of industry, Defence personnel and officials, dis

Mark Mitchell Defence

An agreement paving the way for a statutory pardon for Tūhoe prophet and leader Rua Kēnana has today been signed by the Crown and his descendants and Ngā Toenga o ngā Tamariki a Iharaira me ngā uri o Maungapōhatu.

Te Ururoa Flavell Maori Development

Foreign Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced New Zealand will provide $11.5 million for aviation security in the Pacific, to support trade, tourism and the safety of the travelling public, most of which are New

Gerry Brownlee Foreign Affairs

From early next year, the Methodist Mission Southern will be delivering an innovative youth transitional housing programme to help around 24 young people living in Dunedin each year, Social Housing Minister Amy Adams

Amy Adams Social Housing Social Investment

Canterbury is to receive a new purpose built specialist mental health facility valued at up to $57 million, taking the region’s hospital rebuild to well over $1 billion Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says.

Jonathan Coleman Health

The Crown and descendants of Rua Kēnana and Ngā Toenga o ngā Tamariki a Iharaira me ngā uri o Maungapōhatu will sign the agreement at Maungapōhatu on Saturday 9 September which bring the statutory pardon a step closer

Te Ururoa Flavell Economic Development Maori Development

The work of schools and early learning services supporting children with additional learning needs will be celebrated as part of the 2018 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards, says Education Minister Nikki Kay

Nikki Kaye Education