Regional Economic Development


Hon Shane Jones
- Minister


Fletcher Tabuteau
- Parliamentary Under-Secretary

Hundreds of marae throughout the country will be upgraded through investments from the Provincial Growth Fund’s refocused post COVID-19 funding to create jobs and put money into the pockets of local tradespeople and businesses, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta have announced.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Shane Jones Māori Development Regional Economic Development

The spectacular Mountains to Sea cycle trail in Ruapehu District will receive $4.6 million in funding from the Provincial Growth Fund for two additional trails, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced today.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

The South Taranaki museum, a New Plymouth distillery and a Pasifika building firm will benefit from a Government investment totalling more than $1 million, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones says.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

Pasifika churches around the country will receive a total of nearly $10 million in government funding for renovations and improvements which will improve facilities for the communities they serve and create jobs, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones and Pacific Peoples Minister Aupito William Sio have announced.

Hon Shane Jones Hon Aupito William Sio Pacific Peoples Regional Economic Development

Māori development projects across the country will receive a total of $18.8 million from the Provincial Growth Fund that will create infrastructure and permanent jobs, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced today.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

Whanganui will benefit from a Provincial Growth Fund investment in a local food-processing company which will help the company increase production and create jobs, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones says.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

A West Coast distillery will benefit from a Provincial Growth Fund investment that will enable it to expand its operations and create jobs in the town of Reefton, Rural Communities Minister Damien O’Connor and Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones have announced.

Hon Damien O’Connor Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development Rural Communities

One of the most significant battle sites of the 1860s Land Wars will receive $2.96 million from the Provincial Growth Fund to improve the site and help tell the New Zealand story to visitors, Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta and Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones have announced.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Shane Jones Māori Development Regional Economic Development

The Kāpiti Coast town of Ōtaki will receive $1.4 million in Government funding for two projects providing scores of jobs for locals while improving community facilities, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

The Provincial Growth Fund will provide $11.88 million to fund fencing and waterway projects nationwide that will improve the environment and create jobs in their communities, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

Four Bay of Plenty timber businesses will receive investments totalling nearly $22 million through the Provincial Growth Fund to boost the local economy and create jobs, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

Up to 350 more people in regional New Zealand will gain a pathway to trades training through a $14 million government investment in apprenticeships, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones announced today.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

The Government will invest $8.5 million to restore a historic reserve at Ruapekapeka Pā in the Far North and seal 4.7km of road between State Highway 1 and the pā, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

A Huntly-based company which produces building panels for house-building will receive a Provincial Growth Fund loan to expand its production.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

Tairāwhiti’s economy is to get a $5.9 million boost through two investments from the Provincial Growth Fund in local employer Pultron Composites, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jo

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development

The Provincial Growth Fund is investing $450,000 to establish a high standard walk and cycle way on Mahia Peninsula, near Wairoa, Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabu

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) investment of $3.78 million in Wairoa will create much needed economic stimulus and jobs, Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabuteau announced today.

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

Hokianga will receive $2.7 million to redevelop four of its wharves and upgrade its water supply, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced.

Hon Shane Jones Regional Economic Development