
Government action on pay transparency announced today marks a significant step in closing the pay gap for Kiwi women.

Women Workplace Relations and Safety

Chair, I am honoured to speak to you today at the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women.


Women’s representation on public sector boards and committees is now 52.5 percent, the highest ever level.

Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Women

Te Mahere Whai Mahi Wāhine: Women’s Employment Action Plan was launched today by Minister for Women Jan Tinetti – with the goal of ensuring New Zealand is a great place for women to work.

Social Development and Employment Women

E aku rangatira, tēnā koutou katoa, ka nui te honore, ki te mihi, ki a koutou.


The gender pay gap in the Public Service is the lowest it has ever been, at 8.6 percent, the Minister for Women Jan Tinetti announced today.


The Government has achieved its target of 50 percent women on public sector boards and committees, Minister for Women Jan Tinetti, Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio, and Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities, Priyanca Radhakrishnan announced today.

Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Pacific Peoples Women

I am honoured to join you and our colleagues from around the world during the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.


“This International Women’s Day I acknowledge the women who have been crucial in our COVID-19 recovery – our scientists, healthcare professionals, and essential workers – and everyone who is working every day to help women and girls achieve their potential in Aotearoa New Zealand,” says Minister for Women Jan Tinetti.


From June this year, all primary, intermediate, secondary school and kura students will have access to free period products, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti announced today.

Prime Minister Education Women

Today’s initial agreement between DHBs and the PSA on pay equity for clerical and administration staff is an important step toward better, fairer pay for this crucial and largely female workforce, Health Minister Andrew Little says.

Health Women

Employees in female-dominated occupations now have a clearer pathway to pay equity, with changes to New Zealand’s Equal Pay Act coming into force today, says Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Michael Wood, and Minister for Women Jan Tinetti.

Women Workplace Relations and Safety