The Government has announced a ‘Better Pathways’ package that aims to place more young people in education, training or work to drive down youth crime.
The Government has activated Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG) in response to flooding in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough districts.
The Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System Bill and the Children and Young People’s Commission Bill have passed their Third Reading in Parliament.
Carmel Sepuloni will travel to the Northern Hemisphere for a range of key engagements following the opening of Aotearoa New Zealand’s borders and as we reconnect with the world.
The Government’s Mana in Mahi programme continues to go from strength to strength with 5,000 job-seekers supported into jobs, exceeding the 4,000 target following its extension in 2019.
Unemployment has remained near record lows thanks to the Government’s economic plan to support households and businesses through the challenging global environment, resulting in more people in work and wages rising.
A report released today shows Government support has lifted incomes for Beneficiaries by 40 percent over and above inflation since 2018.
June Quarter Benefit statistics released today show the number of people receiving a Main Benefit continues to fall.
In what is a milestone day, the Government has launched Aotearoa New Zealand’s first Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People, and New Zealand’s first Ministry that will have a NZ Sign Language name, as well as Te Reo Māori and English names.
Nine new He Poutama Rangatahi programmes have been approved funding. These programmes will provide work-readiness, training and employment initiatives for over 880 rangatahi NEETS (not in education, employment o
Te Mahere Whai Mahi Wāhine: Women’s Employment Action Plan was launched today by Minister for Women Jan Tinetti – with the goal of ensuring New Zealand is a great place for women to work.
Diversifying the Pacific workforce, addressing barriers to employment and leveraging Pacific entrepreneurship are the key objectives of the Government’s new Pacific Employment Action Plan.
Budget 2022 takes further action to reduce child poverty and make New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child.
The Government is updating its Care in the Community (CiC) response as the number of households needing support to safely self-isolate with COVID-19 reduces.
The Government’s swift action to secure our economic recovery in the midst of a pandemic has seen 47 per cent of jobs in New Zealand protected by at least one of the 2021 wage subsidies, Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni said.
The Government is extending support for trades training programmes that see tens of thousands of New Zealanders in jobs and training, helping accelerate our economic recovery.
Budget 2022 will see an estimated 64,000 New Zealanders benefit from improved access to driver licensing testing and training.
A warmer winter is on the horizon for over 1 million New Zealanders receiving either a main benefit or New Zealand Superannuation as the Winter Energy Payment begins today.
Supporting older people to stay in the workforce and transition their skills as they age and their circumstances change is a key part of the new Older Workers Employment Action Plan.
The Government’s response to COVID-19 has helped keep people in work, with March Quarter Benefit statistics showing a further fall in the number of people receiving a main benefit and jobseeker assistance.
The Government has activated Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG) in response to flooding in the Tairāwhiti and Wairoa regions.
Government action to ease the pressure on low and middle income people and whānau will put more money in their pockets from 1 April.
Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Priyanca Radhakrishnan has today launched a plan to boost employment outcomes for former refugees, recent migrants and ethnic communities.
Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio says Pacific social enterprise makes a big difference to economic and social outcomes for Pacific peoples.