Prime Minister

Cabinet has met this evening to make decisions on our response to the three cases reported earlier within a household in Auckland.

Prime Minister

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni have today announced a significant expansion to the Government’s Flexi-wage initiative, which will see up to 40,000 New Zealanders supported into work.

Prime Minister Social Development and Employment

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced the date of the inaugural Matariki public holiday.

Prime Minister Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Workplace Relations and Safety

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has welcomed Medsafe’s provisional approval of New Zealand’s first COVID-19 vaccine.

Prime Minister COVID-19 Response

I begin by acknowledging all the hard work that has gone into Ruapekapeka 175 by the Trust and by Ngāti Manu, Te Ka potai, Ngāti Hau and Ngāti Hine.

Prime Minister

The Climate Change Commission has laid out an achievable and affordable roadmap for meeting Aotearoa New Zealand’s emission reduction targets that will create new economic opportunities and reduce most household bills.

Prime Minister Climate Change

The Government has released its Public Housing Plan 2021-2024 which outlines the intention of where 8,000 additional public and transitional housing places announced in Budget 2020, will go.

Prime Minister Housing

The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands Mark Brown have announced passengers from the Cook Islands can resume quarantine-free travel into New Zealand from 21 January, enabling access to essential services such as health.

Prime Minister

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has added her warm congratulations to the New Zealanders recognised for their contributions to their communities and the country in the New Year 2021 Honours List.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and the Premier of Niue Dalton Tagelagi have announced next steps towards quarantine-free travel between the two countries. Negotiations on the text of an ‘Arrangement to Facilitate Quarantine-Free Travel between Niue and New Zealand’ have concluded and both Cabinets have agreed to its signature.

Prime Minister

The Government will purchase COVID-19 vaccines from pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and Novavax, meaning every New Zealander will be able to be vaccinated, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.

Prime Minister COVID-19 Response Health Research, Science and Innovation

The Government is progressing its work on supporting families and children with today’s Rotorua launch of “Tiaki Whānau”, a pilot programme which will provide better support for young parents who most need extra help.

Prime Minister Health

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terror Attack in Christchurch on March 15 has delivered a comprehensive report that will form the basis of a significant work programme to make New Zealand a safer and ultimately I hope, a more cohesive country.

Prime Minister

The Government has launched a major new initiative to combat climate change that will require the public sector to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.

Prime Minister Climate Change Economic and Regional Development

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today about the significant contribution the food and fibres sector makes to New Zealand and how this Government is supporting that effort.

Prime Minister