Local Government

The Government has today passed the next key piece of legislation required to ensure affordable, safe, and sustainable publicly owned water services for New Zealanders for generations to come.

Local Government

The final piece of legislation for the Government’s revamped affordable water reforms has been introduced to the House today.

Local Government

The Budget 2023 Flood and Cyclone recovery package will boost resilience against future extreme weather events with an investment of $100 million in flood protection.

Cyclone Recovery Local Government Regional Development Rural Communities Social Development and Employment

The Government is getting behind the Westport community to further build its resilience and better protect it from future flooding, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins announced today.

Prime Minister Local Government

The Government has listened to feedback from local government and is announcing major changes to New Zealand’s affordable water reforms by agreeing to establish 10 new regionally led entities, which will still deliver big cost savings to New Zealand households.

Local Government

In 2050, we want to see a system which works to benefit all New Zealanders through delivering for the communities they serve and belong to, and leveraging new technologies while also building awareness around the role every New Zealander has in the water system and value of this precious taonga – our wai.

Local Government

Associate Minister of Local Government Kieran McAnulty has today introduced legislation to empower councils to share better information about natural hazards with the public.

Local Government

Kieran McAnulty has met 54 rural and provincial councils in his new role as Minister of Emergency Management, Associate Minister of Local Government, and Associate Minister of Transport.

Emergency Management Local Government Transport

Associate Minister of Local Government Kieran McAnulty was in Eketāhuna today to announce the Government is accepting applications for a programme to support rural drinking water suppliers meet Taumata Arowai water standards.

Local Government

The Water reform programme is focused on delivering a seamless transition, which lays the foundations for long-term transformation. This will better position our three waters system nationwide to continue to meet new challenges.

Local Government

Local democracy thrives when a broad range of individuals, who bring different perspective and experiences, stand for public office.  

Local Government