Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta today announced the appointment of Bede Corry as New Zealand’s next Ambassador to the United States.
The Associate Foreign Minister Aupito William Sio will travel to Fiji this week to represent Aotearoa New Zealand at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Suva.
Aotearoa New Zealand is sending a medical team and supplies to Niue to help it respond to new cases of COVID-19, following the opening of its border to quarantine-free travel last week.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nanaia Mahuta and Minister for Trade and Export Growth Damien O’Connor have announced that Aotearoa New Zealand will ban the import of Russian gold.
Aotearoa New Zealand has reiterated its concerns over the continued erosion of rights, freedom and autonomy in Hong Kong.
Aotearoa New Zealand will join Ukraine’s case against Russia at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which challenges Russia’s spurious attempt to justify its invasion under international l
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Aupito William Sio has been appointed by the United Nations and Commonwealth as Aotearoa New Zealand’s advocacy champion for Small Island States.
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta has concluded a visit to Rwanda reaffirming New Zealand’s engagement in the Commonwealth and meeting with key counterparts.
Aotearoa New Zealand is providing further support to Ukraine and its self-defence in the face of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion.
Aotearoa New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon Nanaia Mahuta and Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, met in Wellington today for the biannual Australia - Aotearoa New Zealand Foreign Minister Consultations.
Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta will travel to Rwanda this week to represent New Zealand at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali.
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta will this week welcome Australian Foreign Minister, Senator the Hon. Penny Wong on her first official visit to Aotearoa New Zealand as Foreign Minister.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nanaia Mahuta has announced additional sanctions on Russian state-owned enterprises and defence entities in response to the ongoing brutality in Ukraine.
Foreign Affairs Minister Hon Nanaia Mahuta has confirmed Aotearaoa New Zealand is providing further economic support to the Pacific to strengthen economic resilience in response to the impact of COVID-19.
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Aupito William Sio will travel to Fiji this week, from 1 to 4 June, to meet with Pacific Marine Ministers, and discuss issues of shared importance to the Blue Pacific Continent.
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta today announced the appointment of Don Higgins as the next Administrator of Tokelau.
Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta and Minister of Defence Peeni Henare today announced the extension of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) deployment to Solomon Islands, as part of the Pacific-led Solomon Islands International Assistance Force (SIAF).
As part of New Zealand’s ongoing response to the war in Ukraine, New Zealand is providing further support and personnel to assist Ukraine to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion.
Legislation that will help prevent serious criminal offending at sea, including trafficking of humans, drugs, wildlife and arms, has passed its third reading in Parliament today, Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced.
Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta has today announced sanctions on Belarusian leaders and defence entities supporting Russia’s actions in Ukraine, as part of the Government’s ongoing response to the war.
Aotearoa New Zealand is providing more funding to the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator for global efforts to respond to the pandemic.