New training and tools for digital commerce will give small businesses, especially in the tourism sector, the support they need to adapt and innovate in a COVID world. Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis and Small Business Minister Stuart Nash have announced details of how $20 million digital capability funding set aside earlier this year will be allocated.
As part of the Government’s focus on building closer partnerships with Māori and enhancing the quality of, and access to, Māori medium education, a payment of $8 million will be made to Te Wānanga o Raukawa in partial recognition of its Waitangi Tribunal claim (WAI 2698), Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
More than 1000 teachers, support staff and school leaders have graduated from a programme designed to grow their capability to use te reo Māori in their teaching practice, as part of the Government’s plan to integrate te reo Māori into education, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
Associate Education Minister and Chair of the Ngārimu VC and 28th (Māori Battalion) Memorial Scholarship Fund Board, Kelvin Davis, joins those mourning the passing of veteran Epineha Ratapu.
Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis has today announced further details of how the $50 million Regional Events Fund will be allocated, confirming that regions will take the charge on driving domestic tourism, as part of the Government’s tourism recovery plan and support for jobs.
Twenty six Inbound Tour Operators (ITOs) have been approved for a $20 million loan scheme as part of the Government’s tourism recovery plan and support for businesses, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
The membership of the Tourism Futures Taskforce has now been confirmed, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced at an event at Whakarewarewa in Rotorua today.
More than $300 million in funding has been approved to protect strategic tourism businesses, drive domestic tourism through regional events and lift digital capability in the tourism industry, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
More than $20 million has been approved for New Zealand’s 31 Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) to support the industry’s recovery in the short and long term, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
A $10 million investment through the Tourism Transitions Programme will support up to 3,000 small and medium tourism businesses impacted by COVID-19 to get expert advice, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
Applications have opened for round four of Te Aho Ngārahu, a fund that enables Māori storytellers to develop quality localised te reo Māori education resources for ākonga, kaiako and Kāhui Ako, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
Extra support is being provided to tourism businesses operating on public conservation land announced Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today.
AJ Hackett Bungy New Zealand will receive COVID-19 recovery support as part of the $400 million Tourism Sector Recovery Package aimed at securing jobs and boosting businesses, Touri
Whale Watch Kaikōura is the latest iconic tourism business to receive COVID recovery support from the Government, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today during a visit to the region with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
An iconic New Zealand tourism attraction and the country’s 31 Regional Tourism Organisations are the first recipients of support from the $400 million Tourism Sector Recovery Plan, to help position the sector for recovery from COVID-19, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
A $400 million targeted Tourism Recovery Fund, alongside the extension of the Wage Subsidy Scheme and a domestic tourism campaign, assisting the industry to recover and restart, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced
The Government will invest over $900 million in response to COVID-19 to support our whānau, tamariki and all Māori so we can rebuild together, Māori ministers announced today.
Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis says being able to leave home to reconnect with friends, whānau and loved ones in a safe and conscientious way under Alert Level 2 is terrific news for our tourism industry.
Across the motu, the Māori response package has supported hard-to-reach and vulnerable whānau during the COVID-19 pandemic including those who live in remote areas, kaumātua and the homeless.&n
Television, the internet and hard copy learning packs are some of the ways whānau and ākonga Māori will be supported when schools and kura return next week while Aotearoa stays the course of Alert Level 4, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis said today.
The Government, industry and business are working together to develop a plan for how tourism will operate in a post-COVID-19 world, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.
Associate Health and Whānau Ora Minister Peeni Henare has today announced the Government’s plan to support Māori communities and businesses in the face of COVID-19.
Seven Māori scholars have been awarded Ngārimu VC and 28th [Māori] Battalion tertiary scholarships in recognition of their outstanding achievements, Associate Minister of Education and Ngārimu Board Chair, Kelvin Davis announced today.
The Lake Ōkaro lakebed has transferred to Te Arawa Lakes Trust, Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti Kelvin Davis announced today. Kelvin Davis joined Te Arawa at Te Papaiōuru Marae in Rotorua to celebrate the reinstatement of Te Arawa Lakes Trust as a key decision maker over the bed of Lake Ōkaro – a role they have not held for over 100 years.