Fletcher Tabuteau

The Provincial Growth Fund is investing $450,000 to establish a high standard walk and cycle way on Mahia Peninsula, near Wairoa, Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabu

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) investment of $3.78 million in Wairoa will create much needed economic stimulus and jobs, Under-Secretary for Regional Economic Development Fletcher Tabuteau announced today.

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

Infrastructure projects on the West Coast will receive a $36 million kick-start to aid economic recovery to COVID-19, Parliamentary Under-Secretary Fletcher Tabuteau announced at an event in Hokitika

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

Three old bridges in Greymouth will be replaced with help from a $13.4 million investment from the Government’s ‘shovel ready’ infrastructure contingency.

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

Buller District Council will receive an investment of nearly $3 million, to kick start the post-COVID 19 rebuild, Parliamentary Under-Secretary Fletcher Tabuteau announced at an event today in Westpo

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) is investing $1.5 million to ensure QE Health in Rotorua can proceed with its world class health service and save 75 existing jobs.

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development

The Rotorua Museum redevelopment and Whakarewarewa and Tokorangi Forest projects will be accelerated thanks to a $2.09 million Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) boost.

Fletcher Tabuteau Regional Economic Development