Government tackles elder abuse


Eleven projects are being funded as part of the Government’s efforts to prevent elder abuse, Minister for Seniors Dr Ayesha Verrall announced as part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. 

“Sadly one in 10 older people experience elder abuse in New Zealand, that is simply unacceptable,” Ayesha Verrall said.

“Our Elder Abuse Prevention Fund supports programmes to tackle and prevent elder abuse across diverse groups in the older population.

“Successful projects include a University of Otago study that aims to improve detection of abuse in older people and a national survey by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura Outing Violence which will aim to find out more about the elder abuse experienced by Takatāpui and Rainbow Elders.

It is in addition to the $6.3 million for new prevention initiatives for older people announced in Budget 2022.”

“We need to find different ways to prevent abuse, this extra funding allows us to trial innovative approaches to prevent elder abuse. These initiatives will contribute to delivering Te Aorerekura – the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence, which acknowledges the higher rates of violence experienced by older people.

“The Government is firmly committed to promoting a society where older people are highly valued and recognised as an integral part of families and communities.

“Elder abuse is often hidden. Abusers are often someone the older person depends on for support or care. They often live with the person or are someone close to them, whānau, a friend, or neighbour.

“Today marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a good day to remind us all to check in on those around you especially our older neighbours, friends and whānau.”

$250,000 is being allocated to eleven projects from the Elder Abuse Prevention Fund. It is in addition to the $6.3 million for new prevention initiatives for older people announced in Budget 2022.

If you are concerned about elder abuse call the free helpline 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65), text 5032 or email

To find out more about elder abuse or to see the full list of successful Elder Abuse Prevention Fund projects go to the Office for Seniors website