Hon Kris Faafoi

The Government is putting in place a range of immigration policy changes to help fill labour shortages in key industries while ensuring New Zealanders, who have lost jobs due to COVID-19, have the chance to find new employment.

Hon Kris Faafoi Immigration

The Government has established class exceptions for border entry for a limited number of veterinarians, deep sea fishing crew, as well as agricultural and horticultural machinery operators.

Hon Kris Faafoi Immigration

The Minister of Immigration has announced adjustments to immigration instructions to provide more clarity to the assessment criteria for employers wanting to request a border exception for their workers under the ‘other critical worker’ category.

Hon Kris Faafoi Immigration

New Zealanders who have money locked up offshore due to cancelled travel plans as a result of COVID-19 will benefit from a new Government scheme to support the recovery of refunds and credits from overseas travels suppliers.

Hon Kris Faafoi Commerce and Consumer Affairs

$50 million for further rural broadband digital connectivity has been allocated from the $3 billion infrastructure fund in the COVID Response and Recovery Fund has been announced by Shane Jones, Minister for Infrastructure and Kris Faafoi, Minister for Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media.

Hon Kris Faafoi Hon Shane Jones Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Infrastructure

The Government has delivered on its promise to New Zealanders to modernise tenancy laws with the passing of the Residential Tenancies Amendment (RTA) Bill 2020 today, says Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing), Kris Faafoi.

Hon Kris Faafoi Housing

Additional funding is being made available to strengthen existing debt solution services with access to debt specialists, and develop a national approach to address problem debt Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni and Minister for Commerce and Consumer Affairs Hon Kris Faafoi announced today.

Hon Carmel Sepuloni Hon Kris Faafoi Commerce and Consumer Affairs Social Development

Thousands of Kiwi jobs and investment in New Zealand productions will be protected through a screen sector support package announced today by Associate Minister for Arts Culture and Heritage Carmel Sepuloni, Minister for Economic Development Phil Twyford and Minister for Broadcasting Kris Faafoi.

Hon Phil Twyford Hon Carmel Sepuloni Hon Kris Faafoi Arts, Culture and Heritage Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Economic Development

As current restrictions on tenancy terminations ends under Alert Level 1 on 25 June, the Government is extending and increasing Rent Arrears Assistance to support people at risk of being evicted because they are unable to pay rent, Minister for Social Development, Carmel Sepuloni, and Associate Housing Minister, Kris Faafoi, announced today.

Hon Carmel Sepuloni Hon Kris Faafoi Housing Social Development

The Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister and Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister, Kris Faafoi, has today announced the appointment of Tristan Gilbertson as the new Telecommunications Commissioner and member of the Commerce Commission.

Hon Kris Faafoi Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Commerce and Consumer Affairs